Johnny Storm - Mantra
I was reading about mantras recently. It got me thinking about my mantras and how I use them. I use them to make me smile, to console myself or to remember my real purpose. Couple of my favorites are “Can’t be hateful and grateful at the same time”, “Time for Hope”, and “Every day was wonderful fun.” The last one is from TVs Batgirl, Yvonne Craig.
“Flame On!” - The Human Torch
Johnny Storm, the youngest member of the Fantastic Four, the first family of the Marvel Universe. Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm built and flew a spaceship to study and record a cosmic event in outer space. This cosmic event bombarded the young space travelers with cosmic energy and they would be changed forever. Johnny Storm being naturally hot-headed and over anxious was turned into the Human Torch. “Flame On” is Johnny Storm’s way of turning into the Human Torch. He is connecting to the power he has deep inside.
Superheroes are known for their cliché catch phrase. “Flame On!” by the Human Torch is popularly recognized. But why is the phrase used since it really serves no purpose? It does actually; it lets the reader know something is getting ready to happen. We all have our own little catch phrases too, although we call them mantras, mottoes, affirmations, prayers or slogans. They are cliché and silly but they serve a powerful purpose. These words connect us to the power we have deep inside. We all have a reservoir of power, energy that can only be tapped into when things are stressful. We will say something to ourselves that make us laugh, smile or remember a beautiful day. Then we will get up and finish the job at hand. We just tap into the power deep inside that give us strength and stability – the power to continue. “FLAME ON!” Let that power burn bright.
Johnny Storm - The Human Torch
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1, Nov. 1961 Marvel Comics
Creators: Stan Lee (Writer) Jack Kirby (Penciler)