Neo - Day to Day

Day to day life – suiting up and showing up even when you don’t want to go to work. This is exactly where I am at today. I know I’ll have a five-day weekend soon so today I can show up and do my job. Who knows I might be needed.

Day to Day

“Even though they are such fantastical characters and situations, it's still a man trying to figure it out. These motifs of messiahs and heroes and anti-heroes, these journeys are things that we deal with in our day to day.” - Keanu Reeves

It is a future in which the world is a simulated reality created by machines with artificial intelligence. This reality was created in order create an energy source for the machines and their way of life. The humans were the energy source. The Matrix is used to keep the humans prisoners while they nourish the machines. A small group of humans freed from the Matrix fight the machines. The one that eventually defeats and saves all humans is “the One” – Neo.

Superheroes save the world everyday. Day to day they put on the cape and mask and go out to struggle against injustice or crime. They “suit up and show up”. But it is that traditional “man against … struggle” that superheroes deal with daily. Just like superheroes we deal with the “man against…” issue also. Man against; nature, opposition, negativity, or self. Just like a superhero we “suit up and show up.” Except our masks and capes is our physical, spiritual and emotional balance. If we are in balance, then we can handle any situation – any “man against…struggle” that may come up.

Neo – The One

First Appearance: The Matrix, Warner Bros. film, 1999

Second Appearance: The Matrix: Reloaded, Warner Bros. film, 2003

Final Appearance: The Matrix: Revolutions, Warner Bros. film, 2004

Creators: Lana and Lilly Wachowski, Written and Directed