Blue Devil - Good Citizen
One of my favorite comics, Shadowpact was about a misfit team of magic based heroes. They set out to save the world and fix what was wrong with magic. I loved how they worked together and really stuck by each other. Blue Devil was one of these heroes. He always stood up for the little guy. My idea of a “good citizen” comes straight from the comics I’ve read.
Good Citizen
“…If Shockwave gets away with that stuff, he’ll be able to take out Superman, right? And since Superman’s…the living symbol of “Truth, Justice, Etcetera, and so forth – I as a Good Citizen just can’t let that happen.” - Blue Devil*
Some superheroes are created through weird situations. They become heroes despite the situation. Daniel Patrick Cassidy, Danny to his friends, is a hi-tech stunts man and actor. He is hired to play and create an exoskeleton for the movie, “The Blue Devil”. This suit has added strength and built-in stunt and special effects systems. While on sight, two of the actors accidentally unleash a “real demon”, Nebiros. While in the Blue Devil stunt suit, Danny takes a mystical blasts and the suit becomes part of Danny – his flesh and blood. He gains powers based on the suits stunt abilities, super jump, super strength, enhanced vision, hearing and healing. He can also recognize demons and send them back to Hell using his trident. Through a series of events Danny becomes the Blue Devil, a “good citizen” and superhero.
What is a definition of a “good citizen”? Besides the political views and voting in elections or the recycling for the environment, what makes a good citizen? A good citizen respects his fellows despite race, creed or color. This citizen will put the needs of others first, helping his neighbor in times of need. The citizen will be seen in the neighborhood and will report crime. They respect the laws of the community they live. The good citizen realizes the rights of others are his rights as well. This citizen is hardworking and productive for the neighborhood. The good citizen will speak to his neighbors getting to know them, recognizing strangers in the neighborhood. When conflicts arise the good citizen will listen and try to work out issues peacefully and calmly.
Blue Devil
First Appearance: Fury of Firestorm (special insert), #24 (June 1984), DC Comics
Second Appearance: Blue Devil, #1 (June 1984), DC Comics
Creators: Gary Cohn & Dan Mishkin (writers), Paris Cullins (art)
* “How To Trap A Devil!” Blue Devil, #2 (July 1984), DC Comics