Hiro Nakamura - Keep Joy & Dignity Alive

A few years ago, I really enjoyed the TV show “Heroes”. One of my favorite characters was Hiro Nakamura. His geekiness and naivete always made me smile. I always saw a little of myself in him. With Hiro there was always hope.

Keep Joy & Dignity Alive

“I had a friend once. She knew she was dying but that didn’t push her off her path. She told me to keep joy and dignity alive even in the face of death.” - Hiro Nakamura *                  

Japanese geek, Hiro Nakamura, is an evolved human with the ability to bend space and time to his will. He teleports to New York City but it is five years in the future. NYC has been destroyed by a nuclear blast. Hiro and his best friend Ando set out to save the world. Being a comic geek Hiro believes it is his destiny to save people and save the world. He believes that destiny will lead him to the place or person he needs to save.

How can we keep joy and dignity alive let alone facing death? It’s actually easy. First off never lose Hope. If we have hope, joy is not that far away. Then all we have to do is nurture dignity. Dignity is in basic terms, how we conduct ourselves. Do we act hopeful and joyful? Do we speak to others with hope and joy? Do we appreciate hope and joy? No matter the situation there is always hope. If we let hope and joy lead us in conduct, speech, appreciation and self-respect then we will be keeping “joy and dignity alive” even in the face of death.

Hiro Nakamura (Master of Time & Space)
First Appearance: Genesis, Heroes, Episode 1, Season 1 (September 25, 2006), NBC

Last Appearance: "June 13th-Part Two" Heroes Reborn, Heroes Mini-Series, September 24, 2015 – January 21, 2016, NBC

Creator: Tim Kring (writer)

* “Tabula Rasa”, Heroes, Episode 6, Season 4 (October 19, 2009), NBC