Black Bolt - Stilled Heart
When Black Bolt and the “Inhumans” were introduced to the Fantastic Four I was truly excited. As a kid I connected with Black bolt and the other Inhumans because I was often told and reminded and told again different and weird I was. What I loved most about Black Bolt was his silence. To be that strong and powerful was mesmerizing. That connection is still very strong.
Stilled Heart
“Does your silent world admit a sense of irony, Monarch? …Life is a mockery. Populaces cheer when you but raise your arm—Electrons sigh away their energy at your merest mental command – But not all your pomp and power can make a stilled heart beat again – if stilled it be--!?” - The Narrator*
The “Inhumans” enigmatic friends of the Fantastic Four are human. They were prehistoric humans found by the conquering intergalactic Kree. These humans were experiment on using the “Terrigan Mist” a gas that embues the breather with a power or new genetic code that would enhance their personality or their chief characteristics. The Royal Family Gorgon, Karnak, Crystal, Triton, Queen Medusa and King Black Bolt rule the Inhumans. These Inhumans used to live in a hidden Himalayan city, Attilan also know as “The Great Refuge.” After the “Great Refuge was destroyed the Inhumans moved to the Blue side of the moon to New Attilan. King Black Bolt with the merest of thoughts can control the electrons around his body. He can channel them into great strength or the power of flight. But if he opens his mouth to make the slightest noise the power is devastating. So, to protect his people, his family and his wife Black bolt lives a life of silence. There have been times that he has to reap destruction to protect his people. At those times Black Bolt feels the greatest remorse. Black Bolt also accepts those feelings of fear, remorse, pain, suffering and devastation. But Black Bolts greatest gift is his people, his family and his wife – he finds he is never alone.
We are going to feel fear, remorse, pain, suffering and devastation. We are going to hurt, cry and suffer. There is no way around our feelings. But we are going to feel joy happiness and success also. Why run from the feelings? Why hide from the feelings? Feelings are the signposts on our path. Feelings and Change are inevitable why fight? Feel the feelings, accept the feelings and move forward in journey. Write about the feelings, talk about the feelings, feel the feelings. When we share our feelings, we find that we are not alone. And somehow, we survive.
Black Bolt – King of the Inhumans
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #45, Dec. 1965
Creators: Stan Lee (plot), and Jack Kirby (art)
*“His Brother’s Keeper!” Amazing Adventures featuring the Inhumans and the Black Widow #5, July 1971