Shrinking Violet - Confidence

Tonight, is Back to School Night, I will be meeting my new Fifth Grade parents. Being the art teacher in the school I’ve known most of these parents for a few years. I still get a little nervous speaking to incoming fifth grade parents because my role changes. I think nervousness is a natural experience. I know I am a successful homeroom teacher with the skills and experience under my belt. I am confident tonight will be successful.


“…No matter how small you are, if you’ve got confidence in yourself, you’re 10 feet tall!” - Shrinking Violet*

In the 30th Century there will be the United Planets and citizens of many planets will have very special powers. These planets will send representatives to earth to become a member of the Legion of Superheroes. This is the case of the planet Imsk. All Imskians have the power to shrink from normal size to atomic size. Salu Digby, better known as “Shrinking Violet” represents Imsk. Shrinking Violet is a member of the Legion’s Espionage Squad and has picked many locks and disabled many robots. Through it all she has been one of the first and admired members. Never has this little lady felt less than or unconfident.

Confidence is an important aspect of success. When we are confident our fear and shyness does not affect us. We feel equal to others. So what is confidence? Confidence knows that everything will work out just fine. Confidence knows nothing is to be feared. Every situation is a stepping stone, every situation has a bit of doubt but every situation is a learning experience. And if we are to have learning experiences then confidence can be practiced and grasped. Every situation that we are in happens for that learning life experience. Why feel fear, worry or less than? When we fail, we only need to pick ourselves up and learn some more. Go into every situation knowing that learning will take place and confidence will be very close. Go into every lesson confident and success is just behind. Go into experiences knowing every thing will work out and we will be successful. When we are confident we stand “10 feet tall” and we know success.

Shrinking Violet
First Appearance: Action Comics #276, May 1961

Creators: Jerry Siegel (script), and Jim Mooney (art)

 * “Stay Small or Die!” Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes, #214 Jan. 1976