Timber Wolf - Animal Nature

Many summer mornings I am out riding my bike with the early morning cardinals and deer. I am often amazed at how many different animals live so closely to a major city. I am also amazed at how serene the deer are while I streak past them. Then my thoughts move into being serene in my daily life. Trusting that I will be taken care of like the deer and cardinals. I find myself wishing for that animal nature.

Animal Nature

“AARGH!”- Timber Wolf *

It’s nice to know that even in the 30th century there will be superheroes. One superhero from the future is Timber Wolf, Brin Londo. Timber Wolf is a member of the Legion of Superheroes. Brin is the son of Dr. Londo a brilliant scientist, that created a strength increasing ray which he used on Brin. An evil android hypnotized Brin into believing he was also an Android. Conflicted by human and android thoughts Brin Londo became the “Lone Wolf,” protecting people from evil. Eventually he met the Legion of Superheroes, realized his true human nature solved his mystery and no longer traveled alone. Brin changed his moniker to “Timber Wolf” because timber wolves travel in packs. Timber Wolf has super speed, strength, agility and an immune system but when he becomes angry the animal nature takes over and he becomes more wolf like. The angrier he gets the less human he becomes. Timber Wolf accepts his animal nature and uses it to his advantage.

Man is a mammal. Mammals are animals. Man is an animal. We have the animal nature deep with in ourselves but the animal in man is a good thing. It teaches us to persevere and defend ourselves. It gives us strength, passion and helps us make decisions. The animal in man helps us find a safe home, good food and loving relationships. Animals instinctively know and trust that they will be taken care of daily. When we forget that humans are animals we forget to trust that instinct. We forget that we too have this animal instinct. All we should do is trust the animal within. When we remember that this nature is in us it is easier to accept all people. When we remember we are animals it is easier to let other animals exist simply because they exist.

Timber Wolf
First Appearance: “The Lone Wolf Legionnaire” Adventure Comics #327, Dec. 1963

Creators: Edmond Hamilton (plot), John Forte (art)

 * “Charge of the Doomed Legionnaires!” Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes, #217 June. 1976