Ant Man - Helping

I learned a very long time ago that helping others gets my mind off my troubles or worries. Helping my older neighbor get out of a taxi clears my mind for a few moments. That may be all I need to come up with an idea. I talk about cleaning the lint filters in the laundry room often. That little action always makes me feel good because no one in my building knows I do it. It’s my little secret (well not anymore). For that little silly moment, I am not selfish, needy or trying to control the world.


“…Each class of insect has a trait you can pick out. Spiders are self-centered, Honeybees extremely competitive, but ants…Ants are always more concerned with everyone else around them. They’ll do whatever they can to help. No matter how tough the job is.” - Ant Man * 

Scott Lang – Ant Man has a great need to help. He was once a thief stealing only because he could not find a job as a scientist to support his ill daughter, Cassie. Eventually he stole the technology created by Hank Pym the original Ant Man. This technology allowed Scott to shrink and communicate with insects. It took the combined efforts of Iron Man and Hank Pym to turn the villain to a hero. He learned that if he truly wanted to help his daughter, it would be wise to become a force of good rather than a force for evil. Now Ant Man will answer the call of “help” from the Fantastic Four, Avengers, or any other person in need.  

Helping others takes our minds off our troubles. When we help someone no matter how little (holding the door for an elderly woman, cleaning lint filters in the laundry room) warms the heart and opens the door for goodness. When we help out we may not get accolades but inside we notice and feel good about ourselves. Heroes go unnoticed like the little ants but a true hero no matter what is willing to help.

First Appearance: Scott Lang, Avengers #187, Sept.  1979

Second Appearance: Ant Man, Marvel Premiere #47, 1979

Creators: Michelinie, Greunwald, Grant (writers), Byrne (art)

 * “World Trust” The Avengers #58 Vol.3, Nov. 2002