The Spirit - Such Swearing
I have a dirty mouth. If I’ve had a bad day letting the obscenities fly releases a lot of stress. I do watch when and where I let the bad language out. The work place may not be the best place to “talk like a sailor”. I have though shut my classroom door, called a friend on the phone and let loose with the language. Any other time though I try to respect myself and others by being well mannered and good natured.
Such Swearing
Satin: “Oh…You…You, %!!@$#%!...”
Spirit: “Such Swearing for a lady!”*
Central City Detective, Denny Colt, was killed in action during a raid on Dr. Cobra’s base. Soon after a heroic crime fighting figure began to appear garbed in a nice suit and tie, hat, gloves, and a small domino mask. The hero was given the moniker “The Spirit” and was seen often helping the police. Eventually the Spirit admitted to his friend, Police Commissioner Dolan, that during the raid and explosion, Denny Colt was in suspended animation and awoke in Wildwood Cemetery. Realizing there was an opportunity, Denny created a base at the cemetery and created the hero the Spirit. The Spirit traveled the world solving mysteries and crimes. He met and apprehended an assortment evil geniuses, kooks and eccentrics but it was always “the Femme Fatales”, those evil females that caused him many hours of torment and pleasure.
Language and good manners are important to a well mannered person. We are told as children “watch our language.” There is a time to speak freely and say whatever we think and then there are times to keep the language clean. A well mannered person keeps their tone and words moderate clean and well balanced. Words are well thought out and clear, spoken diplomatically. It boils down to good manners and being considerate to others. The etiquette guru, Emily Post said, “Good manners reflect something from inside - an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self.” When out in public it is best to be moderate and balanced exhibiting a calm poise in actions and words.
The Spirit
First Appearance: The Spirit, Register & Syndicate, June 2, 1940, Eisner and Iger
Creators: Will Eisner
* “Sphinx & Satin”, The Spirit, October 1941, The Spirit Femmes Fatales, DC Comics, 2008