Turok - Ready To Listen
I get so caught up in my head that I forget to listen. Therefore, meditation is so important to me. I am finding there is always more to learn. When I take the time to stop and listen I find the answers I need.
Ready to Listen
“When you are ready to listen, then you’ll close your mouth.” - Turok*
There are many different versions of the story about Turok, Dinosaur hunter or Son of Stone. However, all the versions have a common thread. Two Native American Brothers, Turok and Andar are out hunting. They come to a valley where time itself bends. In this lost place they find dinosaurs, aliens or demons. Turok being the oldest takes it upon himself to protect his mischievous brother. Turok’s adventures have taken him to prehistoric times or into the far-off future. He is the Kiowa brave that becomes a warrior to hunts dinosaurs.
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” This has been said and repeated and repeated. However, the trick to finding the teacher is to stop talking and listen. We are always talking and thinking so much so that we don’t even recognize the teacher or answer standing right in front of us. Here is a cliché that has been uttered once or twice, “prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to God.” Sometimes the trick is to stop, look and listen. As humans we get so busy doing we forget to stop. We get so busy talking we forget to listen. We get so busy seeing things we forget to look. Try slowing down and enjoying the day. Try asking your friend or cubical mate a question and then listening to their answer.
First Appearance: Four Color Comics, #596, Western Publishing/Dell Comics (Oct/Nov 1954)
Creators: Matthew H. Murphy, Gaylord Du Bois & Paul S Newman
* “White Man Speak with Forked Tongue”, Turok, Dinosaur Hunter. #18, Valiant Comics (December 1994)