The Tao Of Wonder Woman

Chapter Twenty-Two, Become Complete

“On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom.” Michel de Montaigne


“I was born of magic a child of the amazons, the champion of the gods and, more often than not, their pawn. I have been an ambassador for peace and an instrument of war, hailed as a hero and condemned as a criminal, an icon to many and a mystery to myself.  And, though I may not yet know who I am I know what it is I must do.” *


There was a villain, Maxwell Lord, with the ability to influence people’s minds and control their actions. This villain had gained control of Superman. Maxwell Lord had sent Superman on a destructive spree – causing Superman to create mayhem. Superman seriously injured Batman and was attacking Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman fought Superman to a standstill. They were so evenly matched that Diana could not defeat Superman. The only thing she could do was attack Lord. Wrapping Lord in her lasso of truth, he said, “I’ll never let him go.” “You will. Tell me how to free him from your control,” Diana demanded. “Kill me,” was Lord’s response. And Diana did just that.


Unable to deal with her actions Diana gave up the mantle of Wonder Woman. Diana did not however give up her mission. She was humbled by her actions and secretly continued to be a Champion of Truth, Peace, and Love. Allowed, her adopted sister, Donna Troy to become the new Wonder Woman.


“I think the only way I can accomplish my mission is if I don’t have to be Princess Diana or Themyscira or Wonder Woman. If I can just be me.” *


Eventually Diana learned from her actions, and she humbles herself further to become Wonder Woman again. This time however she was changed. All her actions have repercussions. Everything comes with a price. She stayed true to her mission. Her mission did not change. Diana changed.


They saw my weakness. They exposed my Kryptonite. May failing as a warrior. It’s that the pain of others shadows my will. I can’t bear the pain of innocents. But because of who my adversaries are, they only see my love as a defect in the armor. And it took a living Nightmare to Remind me. But they don’t know it’s also what gives me my strength.” *


Diana teaches us a valuable lesson. She became whole, she became self-actualized. We are never free from humility. Do we fall at its wait, or do we let it lift us up to become honorable? The Tao teaches us to be humble. We are never free from our actions – they always have repercussions. To learn and grow we must bend, break, or hit bottom. We become humble and willing to change. Then when we dig ourselves out of the mire, we become not only honorable, but we become whole.


“The partial becomes complete. The crooked becomes straight. The empty becomes full. The worn out becomes new. He who has little finds the Way; he who has much, goes astray. Therefore, the master keeps the oneness of the Way; he is the model of the world. He seeks not to be seen, therefore he gives light. He does not magnify himself, therefore he gives inspiration. He does not vaunt himself, therefore, he has true worth. He does not glorify himself, therefore he is above all. He strives not, therefore none in the kingdom can stand against him. The saying of the ancients: ‘The partial becomes complete,’ is not an empty phrase. When a man has attained, the whole world is subject to him.” *


When we follow the Way of a spiritual life we practice and grow. But what normally brings us to the spiritual path – being broken, hitting bottom, becoming empty, or getting worn out. We become humble enough to listen. We learn that the best way to become whole again is not through grandiose attempts of humble deeds but in heartfelt and quiet actions. The recovering addict will silently set out the chairs before the AA meeting. The kind little old lady in the apartment building laundry room will not just take the clothes out of a needed dryer but she will fold the clothes and lay them on top.  These generous acts of kindness do not mean a thing to some, many will laugh at them but to others they are great. To the person on the spiritual path, they are paramount.

The people on a true spiritual path soon will find the embodiment of the spiritual axioms or virtues we all seek. These people are not grandiose. They do not flaunt their actions. They are known in the neighborhood, the apartment building, or the AA meetings. They shine with an indescribable glow. We, in seeing them will not recognize their greatness or magnificence but we will feel a comfort being around them. We will see them as whole and self-actualized human beings. We will try to be more like them, and they will inspire us.


* “Who is Wonder Woman?” Part two, Wonder Woman, #2, DC Comics, September 2006

* “Who is Wonder Woman?” Part two, Wonder Woman, #2, DC Comics, September 2006

* “Of Two Minds” Warkiller, Part two, Wonder Woman, #37, DC Comics, December 2009

*The Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu’s Book of The Way and of Righteousness, Lao Tzu (author), Translation & Commentary by Charles Johnston, Serialized in Theosophical Quarterly, 1921-23, Kshetra Books, By Jon w. Fergus,


Chapter Twenty-Three, Follow Peace

“Peace is meant to be our natural state. A whirlwind never outlasts the morning, nor a violent rain the day. Just as heaven and earth return to peace, so should we. He who acts in the spirit of the Tao becomes Toa-like. He who acts with virtue becomes virtuous. He who acts with violence becomes violent. He who follows the Tao, the Tao will guide. He who pursues virtue, virtue will reward. He who lives by violence, violence will soon destroy.” *


There are those that would say Wonder Woman is violent. She fights and defends – when met with violence Diana can become violent. Her mission is Love and Peace. To teach love and bring peace. Through protecting the innocent and defending the weak she is in turn helping her mission. She acts in the spirit of her mission. She is one with her mission. Diana acts with love then she becomes loving. Diana acts with peace then she becomes one with peace. She will follow love and she will follow peace. Diana will keep “the faith. Trust to love. Fight with honor but fight to win.” *


Though Diana is prepared for battle she is also prepared for peace. She is always willing to share. Diana is always willing to give that part of her that is the most important. She is always willing to give that which consumes her – Love. Giving of herself is her greatest power.


“There’s a piece of me inside you now, Darkseid. A piece that believes more that anything in joy and hope and Peace. So, ponder on that New God – each and every time your feelings and actions are tainted by some undeniable longing for kindness or the next time the fates decide you should commit an unidentifiable act of compassion towards your minions and people in the name of some abstraction called ‘LOVE.’ Ponder that.” *


“Vanessa the seeds grow, and the leaves fall. But I will never be away from you. Because circumstances change, but the love endures.” *


So, the Tao teaches that those who keep a spiritual life will find Peace. If we keep silent and not participate in activities that do not involve us, we will find peace and tranquility. When we seek peace, there will be peace. When we seek joy, there is joy. When we seek love, there is love. When we seek virtue, we find virtue. And of course, when we seek negativity we find all types of negativities – violence, fear, despair, anger and resentment.


“The Tempest does not endure all the morning; the rainstorm does not last all day.” *


We can never prevent the storms that may come our way but if we continue to envelop ourselves in the path of peace and love we will know that storms will soon pass. There is nothing wrong with preparing ourselves for storms. We prepare our homes for storms. We can prepare our persons for storms as well. Not just the physical storm but particularly the emotional or spiritual storms that may come our way.


How can we prepare ourselves? The same way Diana prepares herself – through training. We can pray, meditate, and exercise. We can make sure we communicate with those close to us each day. If we are truly seeking to encompass our lives with peace and love, we need to seek love and peace. This is the practice that needs to happen.


We may feel that the Earth treats us like dogs. The Earth however follows the same path we follow. It does not get involved in our little squabbles (although we do involve the Earth). The Earth still provides and shares all we need.


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali


“The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.” – Sitting Bull


*Tao Teh Ching, The Book of the Way, by Lao Tzu, translated by Dwight Goddard (1919), revised and edited by Sam Torode, Ancient Renewal, Middleton Delaware, 2015

* “Vengeance” Casualties of War, crossover, Wonder Woman, #173, DC Comics, September 2001

* “Valedictorian” Wonder Woman, #600, DC Comics, August 2010

* “Valedictorian” Wonder Woman, #600, DC Comics, August 2010

*The Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu’s Book of The Way and of Righteousness, Lao Tzu (author), Translation & Commentary by Charles Johnston, Serialized in Theosophical Quarterly, 1921-23, Kshetra Books, By Jon w. Fergus, 2016 

Chapter Twenty-Four, Grandiose

“I’m grandiose because I live a grandiose life.” Charlie Sheen


People stand-up for themselves. To gather the courage to enter the juried art show can take much practice. Then there are those to who work for years to finally find the strength and bravery to face the bully. We often commend those people and congratulate them on finally facing their fear no matter the outcome. We would think differently if these same people reached a level of success and began to brag.


There is nothing wrong with feeling good for achieving a goal – reaching a new height. But to make oneself large buy standing on others, bragging of the good they have done and by putting others down goes against a spiritual life. Being a braggart only invites people to find a way to knock one off their pedestal.


“One on tiptoe cannot stand. One astride cannot walk, one who displays himself does not shine. One who justifies himself has no glory. One who parades his own success will not endure. In Tao these things are called ‘unwanted food and extraneous growths.’ Which are loathed by all things. Hence, a man of Tao does not set his heart upon them.” *


The Tao suggests that we let go of the bragging, the boasting – the grandiosity and focus on a more peaceful way of not purposefully step on others to make ourselves better. Do not put those working with us down to reach new levels of employment. The Tao also suggests doing our job and relax. We will be noticed for the job we do well. If we want people to see our artwork, we will have to put it in a show. We may have to keep trying and trying. Eventually we will find the right combination the right juror will see our hard work for what it is…a masterpiece.


Practicing a spiritual life at times is difficult. We often may feel less than because certain goes against what we have been told as children. But that is exactly what a spiritual life is practice. If we are practicing a spiritual life, we will naturally shine. We do not need to polish ourselves up to be brighter than our fellows. Our fellows will see us for who we are, and we will be accepted easily, and we will gain the following we desire. All we must do is be ourselves.


“When we formed the League, we agreed to honor the secret identities of those who choose to use one. But masked anonymity can be used to characterize us as vigilantes and monsters. It is not enough for us to vanquish evil. We must be untainted symbols of good to inspire humanity.”


Diana often carries a heavy load on her shoulders, but this is her practice. This weight is how she maintains her mission and continues to follow her path. This weight and her ideals are what makes her shine. Those closed-minded individuals around her may see her differently but she does not worry what they think. Those around her that are open to the message will listen. They will see her spiritual nature and will grow with her. J’onn J’onz, the Martian Manhunter sees the true Diana simply because she follows her path. “You are the spiritual heart of the league. The most trusted and respected…” * Diana is a superhero, and she has gifts we will never have. Her goal is to protect and serve. Her mission is continuous. She has a heavy burden. It is a sacrifice she is willing to accept.


This is who she is for the world to see.


“Sacrifice is good for the soul Etta!” *

*Tao Teh Ching, by Lao Tzu, translated by John C. H. Wu, Shambhala Publications, INC, Boston Massachusetts (2003)

*The Nail, Elseworld’s JLA: The Nail, DC Comics August 1998

*The Nail, Elseworld’s JLA: The Nail, DC Comics August 1998

*Millenium Edition, Wonder Woman, #1, (Originally published as Wonder Woman #1, Summer Issue 1942) DC Comics August 2000