Arsenal - Release
I’ve been having some computer problems and I think it’s time to get a new computer. Whatever the issue is for me I think this is an important project. I teach the children in my art classes that if we create art it needs to be seen – it needs to be released onto the world. check out some of my art on this website. This little blog project is on the same level as my art and so I want to release it onto the world.
“You’re not just about to release an arrow, you’re about to release yourself. Release everything.” - Arsenal*
The young sidekicks often grow up to become the full-fledged heroes. Roy Harper, Speedy, Green Arrow’s longtime sidekick grew up and became Arsenal. He has an uncanny ability to hit any target and make any object a weapon. Roy as a child was abandoned and raised by the Navajo people, then befriended by Green Arrow and joining the Teen Titans. Later becoming a heroin addict and finding recovering. Falling in love and having a child, Lian, with Cheshire (the assassin). Roy Harper has a lot to release from and move forward. Arsenal’s most precious ability is being himself. He not only releases arrows toward a target, he releases himself and his worries.
Releasing our burdens is very important to our stability and growth. When we release stress, and worries we are opening ourselves up for more goodness and joy. One way we can release stress is to do that one thing we do well. If we like to sing, join a choir. If we like to dance, go dancing with friends. If we like to run, go running. If we like to play chess, go to the park and challenge one of the chess players. When we release our talent only joy, happiness, and serenity comes back. Those talented arrows only open doors but we still must walk throw to find the answers we seek.
First Appearance: As Speedy, More Fun Comics March 1943
Second Appearance: As Arsenal, “The New Titans,” #99, DC Comics, July 1993
Creators: (Speedy) Mort Weisinger (plot), George Papp (art),
(Arsenal) Marv Wolfman (plot) Grummett (art)
* Titans #3, DC Comics, May 1999