Wasp - Be Yourself
In the past, I struggled with being myself. I was so caught up with what people thought of me. Then I realized that if I took care of myself – did nice things for myself it made me stronger (physically, spiritually and emotionally). I began to care less what others thought. I began to be my truer self. Treating myself like a precious object will make me strong. I’ve taken myself out on dates. I have given myself long bubble baths. In treating myself nicely I am my authentic self. Who’s my best Good Judy? Myself!
Be Yourself
“…I’m dangerous in my own winsome way.” - Wasp*
Some superheroes find fun in everything they do, and they love to banter back and forth in their comic way. One of the most wonderful Superheroes is the “winsome” Wasp – Janet (Jan) Van Dyne-Pym, the wife of Dr. Henry (Hank) Pym. Janet is a wealthy socialite and successful fashion designer. She and Hank met and became superheroes shrinking and growing to varying sizes as the Superheroes Giant Man (AKA Ant-Man, Yellow Jacket) and the Wasp. One thing to remember no matter if she is leading the Avengers into dark and perilous situations, we can always depend on a flawless outfit and a quick wit. Janet Van Dyne – Pym is always herself.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be ourselves? Why hide who we are? Why sit in the closet waiting for life? We can better understand ourselves if we take time to reflect and connect with ourselves. One thing we can do to enjoy life is to treat ourselves kindly. Do nice things for ourselves. Treating ourselves like precious objects will make us strong. Taking bubble baths, taking time to fix a nice meal or just staying in bed an extra 30 minutes will do wonders for the body, spirit, and emotions. On a weekly basis doing nice things for the body, heart and soul will make us stronger. In this way, we will find a light shinning and winsome banter that will invite more people into our lives. Thus, filling our days with joy and happiness.
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #44, 1963 Marvel Comics
Creators: Stan Lee (plot), Larry Lieber (script), and Jack Kirby (art)
* Wasp, Spectacular Spiderman #106 Marvel Comics