Kid Flash - Denial

I have always enjoyed stories involving Kid Flash, Wally West. I felt a connection with the character. He was a founding member of the Teen Titans. I was a kid when I started reading comics, so I connected with those superkids. I am grateful I am not in denial about my comic book and superhero fascination.


Black Canary -- “Wally you’re in denial.”

Kid Flash – “I’m comfortable with that.” *

Kid Flash, otherwise known as Wally West, is the nephew of Iris West, girlfriend of Barry Allen, the Flash. Wally was the Flash’s greatest fan, so much so he recreated the accident that created the Flash and became Kid Flash. Kid Flash was a charter member of the Teen Titans. When Barry Allen was lost and thought dead Wally became the Flash and join the Justice League.

Superheroes are lucky – they have a choice to be in denial or not. We are not that lucky. Denial is the refusal to accept or believe an idea or concept. Depending on the situation denial can be dangerous and hurtful. The best people to discuss the idea of denial with are recovering addicts. Addicts refuse to believe that the addiction is hurting themselves and those around them. When the denial lifts they can find help. Denial is tricky and difficult to pinpoint. Our expectations feed the denial. The best way to find and break the cycle of denial is to talk about the issue. Have an HONEST discussion with a friend, a professional (doctor, counselor or therapist) or spiritual leader. Honest communication is always the best help for any problem.

Kid Flash
First Appearance: as Kid Flash, Flash #110, December 1959

Creators: John Broome (writer) and Carmine Infantino (art)

 * “Young Justice” Disordered, airing Nov. 11, 2011, Black Canary voiced by Vanessa Marshall, Kid Flash voiced by Jason Spisak